The word tetrad refers to a group of 4, and inspired us to create the Tetrad Moon Charm Bracelet. Let this piece become a family heirloom that's unique to you and your loved ones.
The Tetrad Moon Charm Bracelet features 4 personalized charms, custom-made using the moon phases from dates of your choice. Its moons provide you with an opportunity to symbolically unite 4 significant life events or individuals. This is the ultimate bracelet.
This bracelet with 4 moons is adjustable, so it can be worn by anyone. Its links are silver plated, providing a beautiful, lustrous finish.
Wear this 4 moon bracelet by itself, or pair it with the or the . Either way, you will be sure to make a statement.
And, like the moon itself, our awe-inspiring lunar phase charms catch the sun rays by day to illuminate in darkness, creating a magical and inspiring glow. Let it capture your imagination and be a forever reminder of love, connection, and appreciation.
- Four hand-finished silver-plated pendants
- Pendant dimensions: 1/2" (13 mm) x 1/8" (3 mm)
- Four 13mm moon phase images
- 8" (20 cm) adjustable bracelet
- Silver-plated chain links